Create template

Select the medium (email, card or text message, depending on what is available for your business

Select the brand if several are activated for your company.

My templates
Here are the templates you saved yourself and from where you can start a new template.

Importers' templates
Here you will find the templates provided by the importer or dealer group. If you select a template here and modify it if necessary, you can save it in the 'my templates' section.

Create a new template
Select it if you want to create a new e-mail, SMS or card. The template opens in the screen.

Customise text
Click on the text in the template and on the right-hand side you can edit it. You also have the tools to change a text's colour, underline it and make other adjustments as can be done in, for example, the Word programme.

Using merge fields
To personalise a text, it is possible to use merge / merge fields. Click on the merge symbol to select a field from the database.

Note! If a merge field is not known in the data then the e-mail, SMS or card will not be able to be sent. Please take this into account.

Code modifications (for programmers)
If you need more freedom, you can also make adjustments in the template's code. With the right knowledge, a programmer can assist with this.

Adjust main image (header)
Click on the image to customise the header. On the right-hand side, you have option to:

1 - From the brand's shared media bank, select an image (if any).

2 - Select an image from your own media bank. See the media bank section for explanation.

3 - Select a model-specific image. Note! The information must be present in the database, otherwise a generic image of the brand will be shown to the customer.

You can add a hyperlink behind the image in the input box. When the customer clicks on the image in the e-mail, the hyperlink is loaded in the web browser.

Updated on 30/11/2022

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