Overview Every day in the morning, a fresh mailing list of contacts is ready for your business. Click on the +...
Send To send one or more calculated contact moments, click on the contact moment, tick the box per customer...
Attention icon If there is a report about the car or customer to report, it is displayed with this icon.
Something went wrong icon If this symbol appears on the screen, the contact has not been sent. Chances are that an e-mail address or...
Customer and car information Customer information Click on customer name to display more customer information on your screen....
Checking car data The symbol indicates that the date has been checked. If a discrepancy is detected between the date and a...
Contact history The 'communication' tab shows the previous contact moments that have occurred with your customer and their status.
Callback note You can easily set a callback reminder for yourself from this menu. Via 'callback reminder', click on the date when you...
Adjust weather list Select the fields you want to display in the summary list yourself. click the icon on the right-hand side and click...