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  4. Selecting service / recall actions

Selecting service / recall actions

This feature allows you to make a selection of cars to which an open service or recall action applies. The campaign information is kept up-to-date by the importer.

Select 'your relationships', then 'selections' and then 'Make a new selection

Click on the brand or models whose campaigns you want to select.

Under options, click the 'Cars with outstanding service or recall action' to.

If necessary, select the language, customers with a mail address or any other option to make your selection.

Add an additional filter if necessary and then click 'make selection

Wait a moment and then scroll down.

Click on the button 'Service and Recall campaigns' to display any campaigns found

display when clicking on 'Service and recall campaigns' button

Select the campaigns you want to make a selection on by ticking them and then click 'close

Save the selection via the 'Save selection' to attach it to an e-mail if necessary. If you want to download the file, click on 'Download selection as Excel file‘.

If you choose 'save', you can enter a name and press 'save' click

Optionally, from the selection overview, you can also download the file using the download icon on the right side of the line.

Updated on 17/08/2023

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